«There were players who were really generous (with the fans), but who were more in the shadows. [...] There was one in particular (who was extraordinary with the fans) and it's Carey Price.
Price, there... He's someone who didn't have the knack at all with adults [...], but Carey Price I saw him do beautiful things that I haven't seen any other player do in the 6-7 seasons I've been there. [...]
He wasn't comfortable being with adults he didn't know, but on the other hand, with children, he was extremely generous.
Once (at a certain time), he was answering questions from journalists and he knew that children were waiting for him and [he practically cut off a press conference in front of the media and] went to see them.
He knelt down, started talking to the young fans, and you could see that he was in his element.
You could see in his eyes, that the guy loved taking the time... and he has a way with children! Because children don't have the foolishness that some adults have.» - David St-Germain