Unexpected Turn of Events for Jordan Harris? An Insider Has Made a Major Prediction

Aaron Itovitch
December 21, 2023  (3:46 PM)

Photo credit: Northeastern

The 23-year-old defender, Jordan Harris, is quickly approaching a return to play, having traveled with the team for a three-game Western trip. However, Martin St-Louis has confirmed that he will not be in uniform for the game against the Wild. Moreover, it is highly likely that he will also be sidelined tomorrow against the Blackhawks, unless an injury occurs in tonight's game.

On the other hand, when the defender is officially removed from the injury list, the Montreal roster will have 24 players, one more than the NHL's allowed limit. Therefore, the General Manager of the Montreal Canadiens, Kent Hughes, will have to make a significant decision regarding his defensive lineup, and a completely unexpected announcement could be confirmed on December 28.
Indeed, as Martin Lemay pointed out in the episode "On Jase", the CH's management could send Jordan Harris to the American League for a few conditioning games. Jayden Struble seems to have stolen his spot in Martin St-Louis' defense. This opportunity would allow Jordan Harris to accumulate quality minutes to ensure he is indeed 100% when he returns to the Canadiens' lineup.
"Harris must go through waivers if the Canadiens want to send him to the American League. However, he could be sent to Laval for a few games for physical conditioning since he is coming back from an injury. I think that would be the logical choice for the Canadiens." - Martin Lemay

Wow! The vast majority of observers mentioned that the positions of Jordan Harris and Arber Xhekaj were not at risk at the beginning of the season, but now both defenders could find themselves in the AHL to start 2024.
This would certainly be a completely unexpected turn of events!
However, the emergence of Jayden Struble forces the management to make heartbreaking choices. His recent performances have clearly demonstrated that he deserves a regular spot in the Canadiens' defensive lineup, surpassing his two teammates in recent encounters.
"He is good at everything, but excels at nothing. For me, he's a seventh or eighth defender (speaking of Harris) on a good team. [...] The worst thing that can happen to an athlete is an injury. Why? Because it opens the door for another player to steal your spot, and that's exactly what's happening with Jayden Struble since the injuries of Jordan Harris and Arber Xhekaj." - Bob Hartley

Would you prefer the Canadiens to keep Jordan Harris as a seventh defender or to send him to the Laval Rocket to get quality minutes?
To listen to the excerpt where Martin Lemay and Bob Hartley discuss Jordan Harris's situation, click here:
Unexpected Turn of Events for Jordan Harris? An Insider Has Made a Major Prediction

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